1. How can I generate login letters and slips?

1. How can I generate login letters and slips?

Please note: You are only able to generate User login letters and Slips for the classes you are assigned to, unless you are an SLT account holder. 

Step 1: From the SATs Companion dashboard, click the 'users' menu. 

Step 2: From the 'users' menu, click 'login letters/slips'.

Step 3: Select if you would like to generate login letters/slips for your class, group, or individual pupils. 

Step 4: Once you have selected which category you want to generate the login letters/slips for; select the specific class, group or pupil you would like to generate login letters/slips for. You can select more than one class, group or pupil here.

Step 5: When you have selected who you want to generate login letters/slips for, click the 'generate' button. 

Step 6: Once you have clicked 'generate' you will have to wait a moment while the system creates your letters/slips. This may take some time if you are generating a large number of pupil credentials. Do not refresh the page.

Step 7: Once your letters have been created, they will be available to download from the table below. To download your letters use the download buttons located under the 'actions' tab. 

Helpful Hint: Please find a video below demonstrating how to access login letters and slips. 

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