23. How can I get SLT (administrator) access?

23. How can I get SLT (administrator) access?

There are two different levels of access on the platform. Teacher access and SLT access. To see what each level has access to, please visit: What is the difference between SLT access and Teacher access?


If you require SLT access, we have a few different processes in place to enable us to grant this.

Option One: 

Go to your school's SLT account holder and ask them to change the account permissions, through their account. For a step by step guide on how to do this please visit : 

If you are unsure about who in your school holds an SLT account, please contact our customer support team at: admin@mirodoeducation.com, who will be happy to help.

Option Two: 

Contact your school's SLT account holder and ask them to contact us to issue the change in account permissions. 

Option Three 

Get in touch with us, through the support tab, and we can contact your school's SLT account holder to confirm the change in permission level. 

Please Note: A teacher account holder requires permission from the school's SLT account holder to enable permission to be granted. 

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