21. How do I preview task questions?

21. How do I preview task questions?

To preview task questions, you would first need to begin setting a formative task. To find out how to set a formative task, please click here

Step 1: Once you have chosen the formative task to be set, you will have the option to click on 'Preview Questions'. 

Step 2: Here, you can view the 10 questions selected for that task. 

Step 3: By de-selecting the question, using the tick box provided. This question will be taken out of the task. 

Step 4: If you then click on refresh, all the questions you have kept selected will be at the top of the list. If you scroll down, for the ones you de-selected, new questions have been created. You can tick these if you would like to include them within your task. If not, refresh again, until you find the questions you would like to include. 

Step 5: Once all 10 questions have been selected, close the question preview box. 

Step 6: Assign the date and time, then click on 'Submit'.

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