How do I transfer my pupils on Mirodo?

How do I transfer my pupils on Mirodo?

Step 1: Log into your account and click on 'Transfer pupils' towards the bottom left-hand side of your screen.

Step 2: Click on 'I want to begin to transfer my pupils now'.

Step 3: Then, please click to confirm. 

Step 4: Verify your role by clicking 'I am the admin for my account' or 'I am importing on behalf of the admin account'. 

Step 5: To begin the setup, click on 'Let's action this' (this will be highlighted in blue). 

Step 6: Here you will need to deactivate your old class(es) and create your new class(es), moving your pupils up to their correct class for the new academic year. To deactivate a class, move down the list, clicking on 'Deactivate Class' where necessary. 

Step 7: To add your new class, click on 'Add new class'. You are able to add as many as you need, just repeat the same process by clicking 'Add new class' again. 

Step 8: Give the name of your class and check that it is for the correct academic year. 

Step 9: Your screen should now look something like the screenshot below: 

Step 10: Now click on 'Move up to...' or 'Change some pupils' to move your old pupils into their new class. 

Step 11: Select your new class from the drop-down list provided. 

Step 12: Scroll down until you see a purple box that says 'Go to next step', click on this. 

Step 13: Click on the next 'Let's action this' to start managing your groups. 

Step 14: Much the same as the classes, click to deactivate the groups not wanted. Click 'Add new group' to add any new groups that are wanted for the new academic year. 

Step 15: Click 'Go to next step'. 

Step 16: Click 'Let's action this' to move on to managing your pupils. 

Step 17: Next, specify how many pupils will be in your new classes.  

Step 18: Once you have entered how many pupils will be in your new cohort(s), you can either choose to download our CSV spreadsheet template or choose to import by yourselves. 

Step 19: Say you are importing by yourself, click on 'I will import by myself' and then press submit.

Step 20: Click the last 'Let's action this' to begin managing your teacher accounts. 

Step 21: Here you can check through your list of teachers. Adding, editing and deleting anywhere necessary. When ready, select 'Confirm and continue'

Step 22: All steps should now be completed. To finish click 'Confirm and submit'. 

Step 23:  You will then see a summary of your transfer. 

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