10. How do I use and set a task to a group?

10. How do I use and set a task to a group?

Groups are useful when you would like to issue different work to different pupils. For example, within a class, you may have pupils who are exceeding expectations or those who need a little more support. Putting these pupils into groups allows you to easily set tasks that are better suited to their individual needs. 

We already have an article that focuses on adding a new group to your Mirodo account, which you can find here

To set a task to a group, please follow the steps below. 

Step 1: Click on 'Tasks', then either 'Set Formative' or 'Set Summative', depending on the task wanting to be set. 

Step 2: When you have selected 'Group', you can go through and select which of your groups you would like to set the task to. 

Step 3: Once Step 1- Step 10 are complete, click 'Submit'. If you need help setting a formative task, please click here or if you need help setting a summative task, please click here

Step 4: The task will then appear under the 'Manage Tasks' section of your account. 

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