SATs Companion Dashboard
5. Where can I access downloadable reading texts ?
At Sat's Companion, we cater for all forms of learning. Through the platform, you have access to a wide selection of engaging, levelled reading texts. These resources are also downloadable, meaning you can print them out and hand them to your ...
1. How can I access support ?
Once logged into your SATs Companion account you can access friendly and helpful support via a range of methods. Step 1: Follow this link to log into your account: Step 2: Select the support tab on the ...
6. Resources
Under the 'Resource' tab in your account, you will find a bank of resources that can be downloaded and printed for your pupils. These resources are available for all subscription holders.
4. How to share feedback
If you encounter an error or bug on our platform, you may want to share this with our team. To do this, follow the steps below. Step 1: Click the 'share feedback' button. Step 2: From here include a description and a screenshot of your issue then ...
3. How can I edit a task from the dashboard?
Step 1: From your dashboard, locate your timeline and click on a task that you would like to edit. Step 2: This will display the details of the task. From here you can edit a task by clicking the 'edit' button.
2. How can I create a formative/summative task from the dashboard?
Step 1: From Your SATs companion dashboard locate your timeline, then click on a tile corresponding with the date you'd like to set a task for. Step 2: Once you have clicked on the date you want to set a task for, you will have the ability to ...