Managing tasks
21. How do I preview task questions?
To preview task questions, you would first need to begin setting a formative task. To find out how to set a formative task, please click here. Step 1: Once you have chosen the formative task to be set, you will have the option to click on 'Preview ...
20. How do I send a message to my pupils?
Step 1: Click on the message icon. This is located at the top right hand side of your screen. Step 2: Click on 'Create Message'. Step 3: Compose your message. You have the option to select individual teachers and/or pupils to send your message to. ...
19. Can a pupil sit a test more than once?
Yes, a pupil can attempt the same test 3 times. First, a summative task would need to be set. To find out how to set a summative task, please click here. Within the pupil account, pupils are given the opportunity to attempt the test paper 3 times. ...
18. How do I delete a summative task?
Please note: Deleting a summative task will delete all the related data for pupils that have both started and completed the test. Step 1: Click on 'Tasks', then 'Manage Tasks'. Step 2: Make sure 'Summative' is selected at the top of the page. Step ...
12. Why can't I see tasks set by other teachers under my tasks?
Please note: Unless you have an SLT account, you will only be able to view the tasks you have set. Only those with an SLT account can view all tasks set. Please contact your administrator if you believe you should have an SLT account or feel free ...
17. How do I check pupil answers for summative tasks?
Step 1: Click on 'Tasks', then 'Manage Tasks'. Step 2: Make sure 'Summative' is selected at the top. Use this top section to search for a particular summative task that has been set. Step 3: Click on 'Gap Analysis Report'. Step 4: If you then ...
16. How do I check pupil answers for formative tasks?
Step 1: Click on 'Reports', then 'Task report'. Step 2: Select the course and task that the answers want to be viewed for. Step 3: This will bring up a page which will outline attempts to questions made and average scores. If you scroll down you ...
15. Viewing a task report from manage tasks
Step 1: To view a task report from 'manage tasks', first open the ‘manage tasks’ menu. This can be found on the left-hand sidebar under the ‘tasks’ menu. Step 2: Click the 'task report' button under the 'actions' tab.
14. Reassigning tasks
Please note: Reassigning a task allows you to issue a task again and make changes to it. You can only reassign a task if no pupils have started that task. Summative tasks cannot be re-assigned but can be deleted. Step 1: From the SATs companion ...
13. Can I change the pupils who I have assigned a task to?
Step 1: To change which pupils are assigned to a task, from the SATs companion dashboard open the sidebar on the left-hand side of the screen. Open the ‘tasks’ menu and select ‘manage tasks'. Step 2: Find the active task that you want to edit and ...
11. How can I change a summative tasks end date?
Step 1: From the SATs companion dashboard, open the sidebar on the left-hand side of the screen. Open the ‘tasks’ menu and select ‘manage tasks’. Step 2: From the tasks menu view the ‘summative tasks’ tab and find the task you want to change the ...
10. How can I change a formative tasks end date?
Step 1: From the SATs companion dashboard, open the sidebar on the left-hand side of the screen. Open the ‘tasks’ menu and select ‘manage tasks’. Step 2: From the tasks menu view the ‘formative tasks’ tab and find the task you want to change the ...
9.How can I message the pupils who have not completed the tasks?
Step 1: To view which students have completed a task, first open the ‘tasks’ menu located on the sidebar. Then click on ‘manage tasks’. Step 2: Once you have accessed the task menu, click the class name on the task you want to check completion for. ...
8. How do I check who has completed a formative / summative task?
There are multiple ways that this can be achieved. Option One Step 1: To view which students have completed a task, first open the ‘tasks’ menu located on the sidebar. Then click on ‘manage tasks’. Step 2: Once you have accessed the task menu, ...
7. How can I see tasks from another year?
Step 1: To view tasks from another year, first open the ‘manage tasks’ menu. This can be found on the left-hand sidebar under the ‘tasks’ menu. Step 2: From here you can see a list of tasks set. To see tasks from another year, use the ‘academic ...
6. Can I see tasks set by other teachers?
Please note: You are only able to see tasks set by other teachers if you hold an SLT account. Please contact your account admin or the Sats Companion Schools Team for more information on this. Step 1: To view tasks set by other teachers, first open ...
5. How can I search for a specific task?
Step 1: SATs companion has a number of filters that allow you to navigate through your past and present tasks. This can all be accessed through the ‘manage tasks’ menu. This can be found on the left-hand sidebar. Step 2: From the ‘manage tasks’ menu ...
4. Where can I see an archived task?
Step 1: From the SATs companion dashboard, open the sidebar on the left-hand side of the screen. Open the ‘tasks’ menu and select ‘manage tasks’. Step 2: From the manage tasks section, archived tasks can be viewed through the ‘status filter’. ...
3. What is archiving a task?
Please note: Tasks can only be archived once the completion date has passed. Archiving a task is used for: When you have set a previous formative task and you want to set new questions. If you want to remove an active task which has passed its due ...
2. Can I delete a task?
Step 1: If a task has been set for a future date it can be deleted. A task cannot be deleted if it is currently active, it must be archived. To delete a task go to the ‘tasks’ menu through the sidebar. Select ‘manage tasks’ and view ‘active’ tasks. ...
1. Where can I see / access the formative and summative tasks that I have set?
Step 1: From the SATs companion dashboard, open the sidebar on the left-hand side of the screen. Open the ‘tasks’ menu and select ‘manage tasks’ Step 2: From the Manage tasks menu, formative and summative tasks are viewable on their respective ...